The archived pages will appear here.
Please note that Keith and Priscilla will be having their farewell in Trinity Baptist Church in Nairobi on Saturday 31 October 2015. This is a function that will last all day.
In November they will be travelling to England to retire.
For the latest newsletter go to our Keith’s Prayer Letter page.
£75 per month is still needed to be able to support Peter K – see below
20 May 2015
Pastor Murungi has passed on this request:
“Please pray for me as I prepare for South Africa and Zimbabwe for a series of conferences from 6th to 21st April.”
“I am preaching at the African Pastors’ Conference in Harare, Bulawayo and a small town called Kwekwe”
25 March 2015
We are still in need of support to be able to fully provide for Peter K. – see below
26 March 2015
We have recently received this request
“Peter K. is beginning his training in the Pastoral Training Course from the week beginning 12 January 2015. We thank the Lord that there is a church that has committed to help him with £150 per month beginning this month. We believe that he needs at least £250 per month to be in a position to look after his young family – he and his wife Abby have two children. Therefore, at least £100 per month is needed to bridge this gap. Would you please make this need known to God’s people?”
If there is anyone who can help then please contact us.
12 January 2015
We have received this request through the church in Nairobi on 12 January 2015.
“Peter K. is beginning his training in the Pastoral Training Course from the week beginning 12 January 2015. We thank the Lord that there is a church that has committed to help him with £150 per month beginning this month. We believe that he needs at least £250 per month to be in a position to look after his young family – he and his wife Abby have two children. Therefore, at least £100 per month is needed to bridge this gap. Would you please make this need known to God’s people?”
Is there anyone who can help to meet this shortfall, either in part or in whole? If so, would you please let us know. ******************************************************************************************************************** We have received some offers, but as of February 2015 not enough to match the need.
As of 20 May we still need regular support of £75 per month.